The York Guyanese HomePage

|Other Guyanese Sites | Guyanese email Addresses|

This web page is for anybody on the Internet searching for Guyanese web sites Guyanese people to talk to. It has links to other web pages on Guyana and email addresses of some Guyanese that I know on the 'Net. At the moment I don't have the time to present an entire documentary page on my native country, instead I've provided links to pages that do. It's a bit cheap but it'll have to do for now.

Other Guyanese Web Sites

GenInfo is an excellent web site.
Orson Smith's Hompage is currently under construction.
Jude's Homepage is being made as you read!
More to come!

Guyanese Addresses

Here are the email addresses of my Guyanese friends on the Internet around the world (well actually only in America, Canada and York). I've changed the format to get more space and because I was running out of stuff to say about everybody. The format will change again in the future to a more informative and formal one so that people don't think they have to know me to get their address on this page. Just mail me. Alphabetisation is another forthcoming improvement.

Orson Smith ([email protected])

Jude Philipneri ([email protected])

Esther McIntosh ([email protected])

Pravina Singh ([email protected])

Raymond Backreedy([email protected])

Andrew Persaud ([email protected])

Bibi Shalimar Yamin ([email protected])

Devindra Kissoon ([email protected])

George Melvile ([email protected])

Hector Isadore ([email protected])

Jennifer Comacho ([email protected])

Jeri-Ann King ([email protected])

Marlon Chung ([email protected])

Natalie DaSilva ([email protected])

Sarfraz Bacchus ([email protected])

Susan Rambarran (

Vincent Da Silva ([email protected])

Wayne Barrakat ([email protected])

If I have any part of your info wrong PLEASE mail me and point it out. More to come!

If you wish to be on this mail index just complete the form below. Please ensure that everything is correct or I cannot be held responsible for people not writing you!



Page still under construction.